Apprenticeship Patterns: Guidance for the Aspiring Software Craftsman by Dave H Hoover, Adewale Oshineye
Sep 17, 2024 · 5 min read · Dave H Hoover Adewale Oshineye Programming Technology Software Computer Science Nonfiction Technical Coding ·Hey everyone, this is Og Maciel with another book recommendation. This week, I have something completely different from everything I've recommended so far. Let me start by telling a little story. Back in 2019, I published my very first book titled "Software Quality Engineering: Tales from the Trenches". At that time, I was still working as a Software Quality Engineer for my current employer. I wanted to write a book that captured my journey of how I transitioned from being a Software Engineer to becoming a Software Quality Engineer after spending so many years as a Developer.
Read MoreBrave New Words by Salman Khan
Jul 23, 2024 · 5 min read · salman khan american education nonfiction artificial intelligence technology business science parenting ·When I was 12 years old, my parents bought me a TK90X, a Brazilian ZX Spectrum 8-bit home computer clone that came with a thick manual teaching the syntax for the BASIC language with sample programs. I remember that when they gave me the computer as a gift, we were in the process of traveling for a competition, my dad at the time being a professional supercross competitor. The day I got the computer, once I overcame the magical thrill of knowing that I had my own personal computer that I could just plug into the back of a TV and start playing with, I immediately proceeded to turn it on and was welcomed by a very anticlimactic black …
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